Title: - PRODUCT SHIPS on ORDER - please allow 1-4 weeks for delivery
BlackLine LED Tails for Sedan for 520 528 535 550 BMW F10
Application (Please consult your owner's manual for your application fitment type):
ALL F10 Cars Between 2010-2013 Pre-LCI (5-series) (SEE FULL PRODUCT FITMENT BELOW)
MAY WORK WITH LCI - Please contact us first.
ALL F10 M5 2013-2015 (pre-LCI upgrade)
Product Description :
2PC Tails
2PC Trunk
Completely Plug and Play
IMPORTANT - Installation testing should be performed when both lights have been plugged in (NOT INSTALLED, just plugged in) and the car started when both lights are simultaneously pluggged in and active. There are reports that when plugging in only 1 side, you will receive a strobing or inactive light.
Improved appeal
Faster and brighter turn signal operation
Enhanced parking light operation
Incredible improvement in night visibility - far better light pattern and prism
There are many brands recently introduced on the market that will make you wonder why not buy the cheaper alternative. Well, there are many reasons:the cheap alternatives have optics and lenses and do not project light as evenly the internal wiring inside the headlight is poorly managed and may fray or damage over time many cheap lights have plastic lenses that melt over time finally, many have cheaper plastics that with wear and time will degrade and fade or crack.